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In 2012 Manidoo Holdings Inc. began working with Ginew Housing Authority in Roseau River First Nation on much needed housing renovations and floor plans for new housing.  Since this location was accessible by road the company worked with the Housing Authority during the off season for Winter Roads.  As the demand for fuel storage solutions began rising throughout the North the company diversified its operations and began working with Bulk Fuel Tank suppliers in Western Canada and the United States to supply First Nations Customers.


The company also expanded into the Fuel Supply Market.  Working with a supplier in Winnipeg the company supplied and delivered an entire order for one of it's valued customers.  The company also delivered approximately 26 Bulk Fuel Storage Tanks to three different Northern Ontario First Nations.  While delivering fuel and Fuel Storage Tanks the company also ran a fleet of deck trucks hauling for two local Sioux Lookout Lumber yards to various Northern First Nations.


In the same year Manidoo Holdings successfully bid on a fuel delivery to Fort Severn First Nation for 150,000 litres which were also delivered safely on North America's Longest Winter Road.  Since then the company has successfully bid on and delivered fuel orders for various First Nation communities on the Winter Road system.  In 2017 the company was the first to be in operation with 100% First Nation compliment on staff.  Manidoo Holdings strives to employ and train local First Nation staff members and help them achieve their goals and dreams.


Raymond J. Brethour is a former Police officer who began his policing career at Fort Severn First Nation in early 2000.  Raymond policed the NAN territory for approximately eight (8) years before moving on to a First Nation Policing position in Manitoba.  He continued policing until early 2012 when he took on a full time role for his company as the Operations Manager as well as Company President.  Throughout his years as a police officer he's always looked for ways to encourage First Nations people to get involved in today's economic activities and to create more opportunities for the youth.  As the Operations Manager Raymond enjoys working hands on in the field as well as in the office to stay on top of the companies operations.


Tel: (807) 357-7481



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